Turinabol (4- chloro -1-dehydro-17-alphamethyltestosterone) is considered to be an oral anabolic steroid mainly used for androgynous reduction. For this reason, androgynous activity is claimed to be 6%, while anabloic one is 53%. Turinabol, together with other anabolic and androgynous steroids, penetrates into the cell membrane and cytoplasmic receptors. When interacting they reach the nucleus where Turinabol affects certain nuclear receptors. The active substance combines with the DNA and performs as a transcription factor that causes the synthesis of specific RNA and proteins. Turinabol has mainly an anabolic effect which is mostly noticeable in the striated muscles and bones, together with other tissues with the intensive area (bone marrow, mucous membrane, etc). Its effect primarily determines the rate of muscle growth and mass increase. An essential contribution to the realization of metabolic diseases is considered to be the anabolic affect: positive nitrogen balance (nitrogen retention).


