
  • Molecular Formula: C20 H27 ClO2

    Molecular Weight: 334.88 g·mol−1

  • Turinabol (4- chloro -1-dehydro-17-alphamethyltestosterone) is considered to be an oral anabolic steroid mainly used for androgynous reduction. For this reason, androgynous activity is claimed to be 6%, while anabloic one is 53%.



  • Molecular Formula: C12 H18 Cl2 N2 OHC1

    Molecular Weight: 313.7 g·mol−1

  • CLENBUTEROL, brand of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride tablets, is a direct-acting sympathomimetic with mainly beta-adrenergic activity and a selective action on beta2 receptor (a beta2 agonist).



  • Molecular Formula: C22 H36 N2 O

    Molecular Weight: 344.53 g·mol−1

  • STANOZOLOL, brand of Stanozolol tablets, is an anabolic steroid, a synthetic derivative of testosterone. Each tablet 10 mg of Stanozolol USP29, Ph.Eur.5.5, micronized grade. It is designated chemically as 17-methyl-2'H -5α-androst-2eno[3,2- c]pyrazol-17ß-ol.



  • Molecular Formula: C19 H30 O3

    Molecular Weight: 306.44 g·mol−1

  • OXANDROLONE, brand of Oxandrolone tablets, is an anabolic steroid, a synthetic derivative of testosterone. Each tablet contains 5 mg and 10 mg of Oxandrolone USP29, micronized grade. It is designated chemically as 17ß-hydroxy-17α-methyl-2-oxa-5α-androstan-3-one.




  • Molecular Formula: C20 H29 FO3

    Molecular Weight: 336.4457 g·mol−1

  • HALOTESTIN, brand of Fluoxymesterone tablets, is an anabolic steroid, a synthetic derivative of testosterone. Each tablet contains 5 mg of Fluoxymesterone USP29, micronized grade. It is designated chemically as 9α-Fluoro-11ß, 17ß-dihydroxy-17α-methylandrost-4-en-3-one. It occurs as white or practically white, odourless, crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol; slightly soluble in chloroform.




  • Molecular Formula: C20 H32 O2

    Molecular Weight: 304.47 g·mol−1

  • Proviron is a hormonal preparation and contains 25 mg mesterolone. Each small white tablet contains mesterolone 25 mg and the excipients: lactose, starch-maize, povidone, methyl hydroxybenzoate.



  • Molecular Formula: C17 H19 N5

    Molecular Weight: 293.366 g·mol−1

  • Arimidex (anastrozole) is an anti-estrogenic medicinal product developed for the treatment of advanced breast cancer. Specifically represents a third generation oral selective aromatase inhibitor. It works by blocking the aromatase enzyme, subsequently blocking the production of estrogen in the body.



  • Molecular Formula: C19 H24 O2

    Molecular Weight: 284.399 g·mol−1

  • Methyltrienolone is one of the strongest anabolic steroids for oral intake ever created. This steroid is a 17-alpha alkylated derivative of Trenbolone for oral administration purposes.



  • Molecular Formula: C20 H28 O2

    Molecular Weight: 300.441 g·mol−1

  • METHANDIENONE, brand of Methandienone tablets, is an anabolic steroid, a synthetic derivative of testosterone. Each tablet contains 10 mg of Methandienone Pharmacopoeias. In Pol. grade. It is designated chemically as 17ß -hydroxy-17α­methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one.



  • Molecular Formula: C21 H32 O3

    Molecular Weight: 332.5 g·mol−1

  • OXYMETHOLONE, brand of Oxymetholone tablets, is an anabolic steroid, a synthetic derivative of testosterone. Each tablet contains 50 mg of Oxymetholone BP2005, USP29 grade. It is designated chemically as 17ß -hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene -17α-methy1-5α­androstan-3-one. It occurs as white to creamy-white, odourless or almost odourless crystalline powder. It exhibits polymorphism. Practically insoluble in water;



  • Molecular Formula: C22 H32 O3

    Molecular Weight: 344.5 g·mol−1

  • PRIMOBOLAN, brand of Methenolone acetate tablets, is an anabolic steroid, a synthetic derivative of testosterone. Each tablet contains 25 mg of Methenolone acetate, Ph.Jpn.grade. It is designated chemically as 17β-Hydroxy-l-methyl-5α-androst-l-en-3-one acetate.